Ten Year Retrospective: One Storied Show
'One Storied Show' is a self-awarded, self-produced, hand-made 10 year retrospective. Inspired by punk rock, do-it-yourself, fuck the system and create your own mother-fucking system- and- an exhibition saying "Up-yours!" to the art establishment; this is a conceptual work of art where my home studio and life are on exhibit.
The Story of a Pop-Up Exhibition
and the gallery guests
A Pop-Up Exhibition Story
Ten Year Retrospective: One Storied Show
A Gallery Guest Story
A Gallery Guest Story
A Gallery Guest Story
A Gallery Guest Story
One Storied Show
Shugg' Holla
The World Surrounding My Home (2008-2017)
Ephemeral Affair
Early Spring Forest Flowers
Ten Year Retrospective: One Storied Show
Artists Of Influence
b.1892- d.1963
Emma Kunz
Primarily identifying as a healer, Emma Kunz created works of art which upon visual meditation provide energetic antidotes. Emma Kunz also divined the location of Swiss sanctioned pharmaceutical AION-A. There are two museums in tribute to the craft of Emma Kunz. The first is the Emma Kunz Centre, situated at the source of AION A, in the Roman Quarries of Würenlos, Switzerland. The center was founded to preserve her research, findings, and the collection of her works of art for posterity. The second is the Emma Kunz House Museum in Belleville, Illinois. She lived in this house 77 years.
Sophie Calle
French artist Sophie Calle first invited friends and strangers to sleep in her bed in 1979. 'The Sleepers' is a photographic chronology of those 8hr shifts. In 'The Detective' (1981), Calle's mother hired a private investigator to follow and photograph her. She worked as a maid for 'The Hotel' (1981), rummaging through and documenting guests' personal belongings. For 'The Birthday Ceremony' (1992) Calle exhibited her birthday gifts by year in gallery cases. In 2011, she put her personal affects inside a furniture museum for the exhibition called ‘True Stories.’
b.1972- d.1972
Womanhouse was a feminist art installation and performance space organized by Judy Chicago and Miriam Schapiro, co-founders of the California Institute of the Arts Feminist Art Program. Within the conceptual scope of Womanhouse, the age-old female activity of homemaking was taken to fantasy proportions. Each of the female art students, working singly or together, made rooms or environments: bedrooms, closets, bathrooms, hallways, gardens. Womanhouse became the repository of the daydreams women have as they wash, bake, cook, sew, clean and iron their lives away.
Rirkrit Tiravanija
In 2002, Rirkrit Tiravanija's first solo exhibition in London featured a full-scale, fully functioning replica of his New York apartment. In the piece, entitled 'Apartment 21 (Tomorrow Can Shut Up and Go Away), strangers were invited to drop by and drink tea together. In 'Untitled (Free)' (1992), 'Untitled' (1999), and 'Soup/No Soup' (2012) Tiravanija prepares, serves, and shares meals, like curry, with his public audience within the institutional setting of the art gallery. Tiravanija was born in Buenos Aires and was raised in Thailand, Ethiopia, and Canada.
miscellaneous witches in the wood
The one-bedroom cabin addressed 20 Sugar Hollow Lane, the heart and soul of the Sugar Hollow compound, is the one last known vestige of a fairytale dwelling in existance. Built somewhere in the early 1900s it has housed many an artist, and mystic, and now it is being converted by the liege lords into service of the business sector. Anyone with a heart would recognize this land and it's habitable spaces as the natural place for living lives and raising families- not for the heavy traffic of work vans and male labor. Only those who take for granted the gentle beauty of these mountains could turn this place into a corporate headquarters. Though, blessed be.